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Zero Hedge.


Quinta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2018.

Use Zerohedge.

Terça-feira, 28 de julho de 2009.

Segunda-feira, 27 de julho de 2009.

Ron Insana Em HFT.

Hey Ron, não percebi que sua nova posição como editor contribuinte da CNBC veio com o título de "Gerenciador de portfólio". Stevie não colocou um kibbosh de um ano nisso? Mas eu divago. E com toda a honestidade, estou surpreso que você pareça ter o giro correto sobre as coisas (conforme a carta abaixo do experimento de mídia falhado de Jim Cramer TheStreet). Quando voce diz:

Preferiria que os reguladores analisassem se uma empresa como a Goldman Sachs (GS) vê injustamente a ordem e o fluxo de informações antes de seus clientes e clientes.

estamos agradavelmente surpreendidos. No entanto, quando você segue dizendo:

Mas a imprensa não vai tocar nesse tópico.

Estamos totalmente extasiados por não terem nos fixado na definição dessa palavra depreciativa. Então, novamente, sinta-se livre para fazer uma pesquisa para "Goldman Sachs" aqui. Mesmo um gerente de portfólio erudito como você pode aprender uma coisa ou duas.

O New York Times eo The Wall Street Journal estão apontando para uma nova forma de comércio computadorizado conhecido como "High Frequency" trading. A negociação baseada em algoritmos é supostamente uma forma ilegal de frente, uma vez que os comerciantes de alta freqüência se encaixam em computadores de intercâmbio e usam "trocas de flash" para obter o fluxo de pedidos recebido e usar a velocidade do relâmpago de seus próprios programas para pular o cliente ordens. Os críticos argumentam que os investidores individuais estão em uma desvantagem distinta por esse motivo e uma variedade de outros. A proximidade de computadores de alta freqüência, que pode ser colocada ao lado de trocar computadores por uma taxa, permite uma transferência de informação quase osmótica. O senador Charles Schumer (D, N. Y.) está pedindo à SEC que bane "trocas flash", que são falso pedidos feitos por programas de alta freqüência que visam enganar os participantes do mercado na entrada de pedidos. Os programas saltam na frente dos pedidos dos clientes e ganham uma vantagem comercial. Se isso é realmente o que está acontecendo, ele se qualifica como "front-running", uma prática ilegal em Wall Street. Se os comerciantes de alta freqüência são apenas mais rápidos do que todos os outros e não estão saltando ilegalmente na frente dos outros ou pagando as trocas para obter um tratamento comercial preferencial, essa nova área de negociação baseada em tecnologia não é menos legítima do que o uso do telégrafo, o telefone, o ticker, computadores, dispositivos portáteis ou programas de "caixa preta" ou "pool escuro" que oferecem aos comerciantes sofisticados a capacidade de simplesmente trocar mais rápido. Preferiria que os reguladores analisassem se uma empresa como a Goldman Sachs (GS) - cujos antigos executivos continuam a administrar a New York Stock Exchange (NYX); aconselhou a fusão entre a NYSE e o Archipelago, e anteriormente pertencia a uma parte da entidade combinada; próprio Speer, Leeds & amp; Kellogg, a maior empresa especializada no piso do Big Board; e controlar o maior número de assentos nos mercados de ações - ver injustamente a ordem eo fluxo de informações à frente de seus clientes e clientes. Estou muito mais preocupado com isso do que eu sou sobre o surgimento do comércio de "alta freqüência". Mas a imprensa não vai tocar nesse tópico. É mais fácil ir atrás dos temidos especuladores e comerciantes de piscinas escuras do que perder o acesso à empresa mais lucrativa e prestigiosa em Wall Street.

1 a 3 anos de títulos lembra Aka forçado Squeeze To Go.

Depois de várias postagens neste blog que discutem a especulação de insumos de compra forçados variados, parece que esse fenômeno é bastante factual e bastante difundido entre a comunidade de gerenciamento de ativos. Como o Zero Hedge observou anteriormente, os buy-ins forçados são um problema crítico, pois deixa shorts à mercê de seus credores de títulos e mesas de recompra (a maioria dos quais são beneficiários do TARP e, portanto, beneficiários de preços mais elevados), que genericamente têm a opção de lembrando emprestado as ações em um momento de aviso, e assim criando a pressão de compra artificial: ou seja, um aperto curto forçado. De acordo com a Securities Industry News, em uma pesquisa recente da Callan Associates, mais de metade dos entrevistados disseram que estão passando por um "desenrolar controlado" com suas mesas de empréstimo de títulos (aka State Street, BoNY e Northern Trust).

As empresas que participam de programas de empréstimos de títulos estão tentando reduzir seus riscos e pressionar por uma maior divulgação do que acontece com o caixa dado como garantia, de acordo com uma pesquisa divulgada nesta semana pela Callan Associates, uma empresa de consultoria de investimentos com sede em São Francisco.

A empresa pesquisou 72 organizações de patrocinadores de fundos e planos das quais os fundos públicos e corporativos compreendiam a maioria dos inquiridos. Cerca de 54 por cento dos entrevistados eram fundos médios que detêm de US $ 1 bilhão para US $ 9 bilhões em ativos do fundo. Dezesseis por cento dos entrevistados eram pequenos fundos com menos de US $ 1 bilhão. Os entrevistados restantes foram divididos entre # 8220; mega e # 8221; fundos com mais de US $ 25 bilhões em ativos e grandes fundos com ativos entre US $ 10 bilhões e US $ 24 bilhões.

Em linhas gerais - num mercado em que uma quantidade desconhecida, mas significativa, de negociação baseia-se em elogios avançados amplamente permitidos e avançados das trocas, dos ECN e dos reguladores, e o saldo consiste em compras artificiais de buyins rolando, apenas os mais insanos ou em tonturas ou em ambos, acreditam que podem trocar com qualquer esperança de sucesso a curto ou a longo prazo.

A NYSE reclama não se envolver no comércio instantâneo.

De uma entrevista mais cedo com o Larry Leibowitz da NYSE, que é surpreendentemente vocal contra o comércio Flash. Larry - uma vez que a NYSE não se envolve na negociação Flash, você pode indicar se o programa SLP fornece ou não aviso prévio ao programa ELP Goldman Sachs ala Direct Edge. Independentemente disso, a escalada nas guerras da ECN está começando e deve ser muito interessante a seguir, especialmente agora com Mary Shapiro, sem dente e sem dentes, presa no meio.

A Escalada da Escala de Isenção VaR da Goldman.

Parece apenas ontem que o Zero Hedge teve algumas questões em relação à isenção do GoR Fed da Goldman. Nenhuma resposta foi recebida de 85 Broad. Hoje, parece que vários congressistas, liderados por Alan Grayson, estão dispostos a dirigir um bastão bem profundo no ninho de zangões, enviando uma carta diretamente para Wall Street, Don Ben Bernanke, exigindo uma explicação exatamente sobre a questão da Isenção VaR de Goldman.

Entre os motivos fornecidos como casue para alarme potencial estão os seguintes:

1) Na carta que concede uma isenção regulamentar à Goldman Sachs, você declarou que os modelos de VaR aprovados pela SEC que agora está usando são suficientemente conservadores para o período de transição para a holding bancária. Justificar esta declaração.

2) Se a Goldman Sachs fosse obrigada a aderir às Normas Padrão de Risco de Mercado impostas pelo Federal Reserve em empresas de capital comum, como seus requisitos de capital difeririam do atual regime regulatório?

3) Qual a diferença de exposição ao contribuinte entre esses dois regimes regulatórios?

4) Qual a diferença de risco total para o portfólio entre esses dois regimes regulatórios?

5) A Goldman Sachs afirmou que, a partir de 26 de junho de 2009, o capital total era de US $ 254,05 bilhões, consistindo em US $ 62,81 bilhões no total de acionistas # 8217; patrimônio líquido (ações ordinárias & # 8217; patrimônio líquido de US $ 55,86 bilhões e ações preferenciais de US $ 6,96 bilhões) e US $ 191,24 bilhões em empréstimos não garantidos de longo prazo. & # 8221; Como uma porcentagem do capital, é uma grande quantidade de dívidas não garantidas de longo prazo. Alguma coisa vem do Governo? Neste último trimestre, quanto dinheiro a Goldman Sachs recebeu da Reserva Federal e outras instalações governamentais, como a dívida garantida pela FDIC, direta ou indiretamente?

6) Muitos especialistas em gerenciamento de riscos, mais notavelmente o autor mais vendido, Nassim Taleb, observam que os modelos VaR podem subestimar os riscos de maneira dramática. Qual é a sua visão geral do argumento do Taleb & # 8217; e da utilidade dos modelos Value-at-Risk como ferramentas reguladoras?

O Zero Hedge teve uma bateria bastante semelhante de perguntas e acredita que seria do interesse geral o que resta do público investidor geral, aquele que por algum motivo ou outro ainda não perdeu toda fé em um mercado justo e eficiente, elogios de vários grandes monopolistas que usurparam as trocas e a ECN como seus cofres pessoais e por especuladores financiados.

Carta de Schumer a Mary Shapiro.

"Eu escrevo fora da preocupação de que a integridade de nossos mercados de capitais está sendo comprometida pela capacidade de alguns insiders ver informações de pedidos antes de estar disponível para todo o mercado e usar estratégias de negociação eletrônicas para lucrar com essa informação à custa de outros investidores ".

Ed Canaday da Goldman sobre os requisitos para a supervisão de negociação de alta freqüência.

Controle de dano. Ou Goldman está um pouco preocupado com o que a Direct Edge pode divulgar.

& # 8220; Goldman Sachs acredita que a negociação de alta freqüência deve ter uma obrigação de acompanhamento para fornecer liquidez e estar sujeita a uma supervisão regulamentar apropriada, & # 8221; Canaday disse.

Ed, nós estamos dando a chance de fornecer seu lado da história por meses. Por favor, leve-nos na oferta.

Paul Tudor Jones Exposed.

O mítico "TRADER - The Documentary" está finalmente disponível em You Tube. Perspectivas "completas" relevantes sobre a criação de uma legenda de fundo de hedge e um mercado paleolítico dominado por PCs monocromáticas (o que, sem Bloomberg?), Funcionando para a biblioteca municipal para essa 10-K, e nenhum pedido de Flash que controla todas as trocas.

Parte 1, e séries relacionadas (2-7) estão no You Tube.

As luvas ETF estão desligadas.

As apostas baixas tornaram impossível, elogios do UBS. Ou isso, ou os computadores do UBS recentemente atualizados (com i7 chips, é claro) simplesmente não conseguem lidar com os cálculos de base. De qualquer forma, é algo muito frito com ETFs indo nos bastidores?

AVISO IMPORTANTE: os fundos negociados em bolsa invertidos, alavancados e invertidos não estão mais disponíveis para compras novas ou adicionais no UBS.

A partir de 27 de julho de 2009, a UBS suspende a oferta de Fundos negociados em bolsa invertidos, alavancados e inversos (ETFs). Você não poderá fazer compras novas ou adicionais e só poderá liquidar as posições atuais através do UBS neste momento. Qualquer tentativa de executar um comércio de tais ETFs será rejeitada.

Entre em contato com o seu Consultor Financeiro com perguntas.

Espero que iShares e Direxion tenham alguns bons advogados de defesa de ação coletiva. Esfera: Conteúdo relacionado.

Destaques diários: 7.27.09.

A administração que procura ajuda chinesa para reduzir o fosso comercial e aumentar os empregos dos EUA. Os anunciantes estão recebendo taxas mais baratas do que há um ano atrás em comerciais de televisão. O lucro da Aetna 2Q caiu para US $ 346,6M devido a maiores despesas comerciais e reduz a previsão do ano inteiro. Os mercados asiáticos foram mais altos na esperança de recuperação de ganhos, Nikkei atinge 10 mil pontos. A nova bolsa de valores chinesa da pequena empresa recebe 108 candidatos IPO no primeiro dia, quando o lançamento se aproxima. A China compartilha 4 dias no forte sentimento impulsionado pela liquidez, liderado por metais e companhias aéreas. O euro subiu para US $ 1,4263 no comércio da manhã na Europa, já que os investidores continuam a deixar o dólar. A UE diz que as conversas de entrada da Islândia provavelmente serão mais simples, mais curtas do que outras. A confiança dos consumidores alemã aumenta em meio a preços mais baixos e ao mercado de trabalho estável. O petróleo aumenta acima de US $ 68 na Ásia, uma vez que a recuperação econômica espera um aumento de 3 semanas. A economia dos EUA provavelmente encolheu a um ritmo mais lento, e a recessão diminuiu. Os futuros de ações dos EUA apontam para uma maior abertura frente aos ganhos, atualização de vendas de casas novas. Aetna Inc. coloca seu negócio de gerenciamento de farmacias e benefícios no bloco. ArcelorMittal explorando um JV spin off de seu negócio de aço inoxidável, est. $ 3B. O comerciante do Citigroup está pressionando para honrar um pacote de pagamento de 2009 que poderia totalizar US $ 100 milhões. O lucro líquido de junho da Corning diminui de US $ 3,2 a US $ 611 milhões. De Beers qtrly net gotas 99%; mas vê vendas de diamantes não cortados melhorando. Eastman Chem bate em US $ 0,15, publica Q2 EPS de US $ 0,86. Revs caiu 31,7% para US $ 1,25B. A Ericsson compra a unidade norte-americana sem fio da Nortel por US $ 1,13 bilhões. A rede Fortune Brands cai 27% na fraqueza contínua no segmento de produtos domésticos. O lucro líquido de junho da Honeywell diminui de US $ 723 milhões para US $ 450 milhões. O lucro de Julius Baer cai 47% para US $ 204,3 milhões à medida que os ativos gerenciados diminuem. MSFT se inclina para pressionar, dá aos usuários europeus da escolha do Windows dos navegadores da Web. Pearson aumenta a orientação de ganhos para 2009, as ações aumentam 9% para o melhor FTSE. O lucro do RadioShack no 2º trimestre aumenta para US $ 48,8 milhões à medida que a empresa custa despesas. A Verizon adicionou clientes de 1.1M no Q2 vs. 1.4M adicionados pela AT & amp; T no mesmo período. A companhia Virgin Blue of Australia informa perdas, lança levantamento de capital de US $ 189 milhões. A Volkswagen planeja levantar até $ 5.7B por meio de emissão de direitos para financiar a compra da Porsche.













Frontrunning: 27 de julho.

Tenacious G - O Goldman Sachs é mau? Ou muito bom? (NY Mag) Bernanke temeu uma segunda grande depressão; (WSJ) A Europa se preparou para aumentar os padrões do cartão de crédito (FT) Os empréstimos dos bancos dos EUA diminuem à medida que o medo persiste (WSJ) Credit crunch part deux (Merk Mutual Funds) Os rendimentos reais mais elevados desde 1994 Bloomberg) O lucro da Verizon cai 21% (WSJ) A mesma história antiga da Radioshack - a receita para baixo (MarkWatch) David Rosenberg no BNN (BNN) Comentário econômico e financeiro semanal (Wells Fargo) O Deutsche Bank também esperava publicar lucros na esfera de negociação de crédito (Bloomberg) Esfera: Conteúdo relacionado.

Domingo, 26 de julho de 2009.

O fim do fim da recessão.

Zero Hedge, em colaboração com David Rosenberg, Chief Economist & amp; Estrategista, Gluskin Sheff + Associates, Inc., tem o prazer de divulgar a análise anexa "O fim do fim da recessão". É nossa esperança que esta peça forneça uma perspectiva tão necessária do debate sobre "a recessão acabou", um tópico que se tornou tão unilateral quanto errado. Nossos propósitos são promover o discurso racional e informado sobre o assunto e, para esse fim, solicitamos entusiasticamente o feedback dos leitores. Nossa apresentação é um "compartilhamento criativo criativo": atribuição ", e esperamos que nossos leitores se sintam livres para encaminhá-lo ou extrair livremente, desde que a atribuição seja preservada.

Alguns pensamentos de fim de semana por John Mauldin.

Algumas coisas interessantes na última peça de John Mauldin. Incluiremos algumas citações pertinentes juntamente com nossos pensamentos.

A China cresce cerca de 8% ao ano, o que é surpreendente na sua superfície, já que suas exportações baixam cerca de 20% (mais em alguns setores). Como pode ser? Eu continuamente leio sobre como a China vai levar o mundo para fora de seu funk global. E o crescimento de 8% no PIB parece bastante forte. Mas precisamos olhar um pouco mais fundo.

Se eu lhe dissesse que o próximo pacote de estímulo dos EUA seria de US $ 4,5 trilhões de dólares, principalmente dado aos bancos que seriam forçados a emprestar o dinheiro rapidamente, você acha que isso poderia pular gastos e PIB no curto prazo? Você começaria a procurar algumas bolhas para serem criadas? E o dólar?

Esse é o equivalente ao que a China está fazendo agora. O volume de crédito que está fluindo para a China é equivalente a um terço do seu PIB. Os bancos que já possuem grandes carteiras de empréstimos com problemas estão agora emprestando ainda mais, em um curto espaço de tempo. A China tem graves problemas de capacidade de utilização, já que o comércio caiu fortemente; e é improvável que o consumidor dos EUA volte para qualquer lugar perto do nível de consumo que foi o caso em 2006.

O mercado de ações chinês cresceu 85% este ano, e os preços das commodities e dos imóveis estão aumentando. E não é de admirar: a oferta monetária subiu 28,5% somente em junho. Esse dinheiro está procurando uma casa. Meu amigo Vitaliy Katsenelson escreveu um ensaio muito perspicaz para a revista Foreign Policy, falando sobre a natureza do crescimento atual na China.

"Mas não confunda o crescimento rápido com o crescimento sustentável. Grande parte do crescimento da China na última década veio dos empréstimos para os Estados Unidos. O país sofre de um excesso de capacidade real. E agora o crescimento vem do empréstimo - e centenas de bilhões de dólares As decisões tomadas on-line não inspiram muita confiança. Por exemplo, um edifício quase completo de 13 andares em Shanghai entrou em colapso em junho devido à má qualidade de sua construção.

"Este crescimento resultará em uma enorme pilhagem de dívidas incobráveis ​​- como empréstimos forçados são empréstimos ruins. A lista de conseqüências negativas é muito longa, mas a linha inferior é simples: não há milagre no crescimento do milagre chinês, e a China irá pagar um preço. A única questão é quando e quanto ".

Isso está em consonância com o nosso tema da recente bolha da China. John fez um trabalho muito melhor em anexar números específicos e analogias com a situação, mas a imagem fundamental se alinha com muitos de nossos posts que vão até abril. A visão maior não mudou e a questão se torna se a China pode completar esta transição antes que as pernas cedam. Não se pode esperar que os EUA forneçam os níveis do ano bolha da demanda agregada que criou e apoiou a infra-estrutura de fabricação e emprego chinesa existente.

Eu vou citar um pouco da última nota de Simon Hunt. Ele viaja com muita freqüência para a China e é um dos verdadeiros especialistas mundiais no mercado de cobre. Se você quer saber algo sobre cobre, pergunte a Simon. Cobre, nos dizem, é o metal com doutorado em economia. Se os preços do cobre estão aumentando, então a economia está crescendo. E historicamente, isso tem sido mais ou menos o caso. Mas pode haver motivos para acreditar que o doutorado não seja mais útil desta vez do que um título regular da Ivy League.

"Não há melhor exemplo dessa atividade especulativa do que o que está sendo visto no mercado de cobre. É fácil para os comerciantes globais, os hedge funds, etc., enviarem cátodo para a China e armazená-lo fora do sistema de relatórios, alimentando assim os sentimentos dos investidores que o cobre A demanda na China está crescendo e, ao mesmo tempo, drena cobre do resto do mercado.

"Não é tanto indústria que está fazendo essa compra na China, mas indivíduos, instituições financeiras e mesmo pequenas empresas divorciadas da indústria do cobre que estão comprando e segurando o metal porque o cobre é uma loja de valor e os preços subirão é o resposta comum. Atualizamos nossos números para o primeiro semestre deste ano. Eles são verdadeiramente surpreendentes. Mais de 1 milhão de toneladas de cátodo está sentada na China, principalmente fora do sistema de relatórios, como um golpe no aumento dos preços. "(Ênfase mina)

Se está acontecendo no cobre, provavelmente também estará acontecendo em outros mercados de commodities. Se você está negociando os metais, você deve estar ciente de que uma queda rápida pode acontecer se a demanda cair devido ao fato de haver um excesso de abastecimento voltando ao mercado.

Este é outro tema de longo prazo que temos explorado. Novamente, John faz um trabalho muito melhor de fornecer informações específicas para respaldar nossas afirmações originais. Nós não sabemos quem é Simon Hunt, mas, se John afirma que ele é um "verdadeiro especialista", nós entenderemos sua palavra. Esta peça que colocamos abrange a maioria dos nossos pensamentos sobre o assunto, então não vamos recuar, mas é uma história em andamento com o potencial de ter sérios impactos nos mercados globais.

Este é um grande negócio, e do ponto de vista chinês, bastante inteligente. Agora eles estão presos com US $ 2 trilhões em títulos do Tesouro dos EUA, papel de agência, etc. Eles não podem vender seus dólares sem realmente prejudicar o dólar, forçando assim o renminbi a subir e prejudicando suas próprias exportações. Mas eles e a maior parte do mundo sentem que os EUA estão seguindo políticas que serão prejudiciais ao valor do dólar e, portanto, à maior exposição de reservas da China.

O que fazer? Pegue esses dólares e compre ativos físicos. Empresas, recursos naturais, talvez alguns países pequenos. (Para meus leitores chineses: isso é uma piada, embora alguns no Ocidente se preocupem com isso.)

No jogo de cartas chamado Old Maid, jogamos como crianças, o perdedor foi quem acabou com a "Old Maid" no final do jogo. Durante a última década, os chineses nos enviaram "coisas" e nós lhes enviamos dólares na forma de elétrons. Por sua vez, investiram esses dólares em nossa dívida para que possamos comprar mais coisas. Era uma forma de financiamento de fornecedores.

E agora, os chineses, aparentemente, decidiram passar a Old Maid do dólar para outras partes, que venderão seus ativos por dólares. Sério, alguém não pensou que eles fariam isso? A venda maciça do dólar, que tantos tipos de teoria da conspiração continuam dizendo que sim, nunca foi realmente uma opção racional. Mas usando esses dólares para adquirir ativos produtivos? Muito inteligente, muito racional. Se você descobrir o que quer comprar e chegar primeiro, há lucros a serem obtidos. A atenção deve ser paga.

Este é um ponto interessante. Muitos já abordaram este ponto anteriormente, mas a maioria pensou que esses fluxos de ativos estarão em commodities. Nós discordamos principalmente por causa dos números envolvidos ($ 2.2T é um monte de mercadorias), mas John define explicitamente a agenda de aquisições no exterior, incluindo commodities, ações e quaisquer outros ativos reais que a China pode fazer. Em uma tangente rápida, as implicações para os ativos protegidos contra a inflação ou contraídos são enormes. É provável que setores de equidade específicos vejam que os fluxos atravessam o telhado - vamos deixá-lo aos nossos leitores para discutir nos comentários.

Observe no gráfico abaixo que o desemprego continuou a aumentar até o primeiro trimestre de 2003. E isso também ocorre quando o mercado de ações decolou. Aqueles que vêem brotos verdes precisam pensar sobre isso. Enquanto isso, o mercado está claramente nos dizendo que não vê nada além de céus azuis no futuro. Eu realmente me admiro com esse rali, mas continuo a pensar que é uma manifestação do mercado de urso. Os nomes mais fracos e de alta beta estão se recuperando. Este rali não parece ser a base para um mercado de touro sustentado. Dito isto, Richard Russell retirou o urso de sua carta e colocou um touro. Eu posso ser o último urso de pé.

Nada de novo aqui para leitores regulares de ZH, mas é quase cômico na simplicidade do argumento. As pessoas não estão empregadas. As pessoas desempregadas não gastam dinheiro. Não gastar dinheiro significa que nenhum trecho verde. Esqueça os segundos derivados, os números de habitação revisados ​​corrigidos de sazonalidade ou a crença de Dennis Kneale no poder do rosto sorridente.

Esta será uma recuperação longa e sem emprego. As horas trabalhadas por semana estão em baixa de todos os tempos. Conforme mencionado acima, o trabalho a tempo parcial é muito alto. Os empregadores, quando as coisas realmente começam a se virar, e eles, darão mais horas atuais aos funcionários atuais e, em seguida, expandirão as horas dos trabalhadores a tempo parcial. Haverá poucos empregos novos por um longo período de tempo.

Because our population is growing, between 130-150,000 new jobs are required each month to keep unemployment from rising. Initial and continuing claims suggest we are currently losing at least 300,000 a month.

(As an aside, the media talks about initial unemployment claims falling. That is actually not true. Unemployment claims are in fact quite high and rising, but the seasonal adjustments make them look smaller. Normally, this would not be a big deal. But the summer seasonal adjustment assumes a normal automobile manufacturing market, with layoffs in July. The layoffs came much earlier this year, distorting seasonal adjustments.)

Higher and persistent unemployment, lower incomes and wages, higher savings rates, capacity utilization at 50-year lows and still falling, rising home foreclosures, a deleveraging financial system, etc. are not the stuff of "V-shaped" recoveries. Throw in that Moody's estimates that US banks will have to write off $400 billion in 2018, and it's a very weak recovery indeed that shapes up for next year.

Not to rehash, but John again does a great job of tacking on numbers to a scenario we have been covering for a while. Investors hoping to recoup their losses from the bubble burst in short order are in for a surprise. Overall, a good reading piece to ruminate on over the weekend.

Guest Post: 30 Year Review Ahead of Short Term Auctions, Q2 adv-GDP and Aug 7 NFP.

Submitted by John Bougearel of Structural Logic.

Weekend Reading.

Must read: Fast-on-the-draw trades need spot of marshalling (FT, h/t Joe) Roubini Op-Ed on Bernanke: The Great Preventer (NYT) Lennar signals fleeting buildling rally as buyers flee (Bloomberg) JP Morgan to raise banker salaries (FT) The man spreading false rumors about Harman and Textron takeovers (that fooled fast-money's Najarian) found dead in suicide (Bloomberg) Chinese steel executive beaten to death, (FT) Alan Abelson: It could be worse (Barron's) Real homes of genius: The California housing collapse deconstructed (Dr Housing Bubble) Rally may cool on earnings reality check (Reuters) California officials worried about new budget woes (BusinessWeek) US probe targets UBS banker visits (Reuters) Phibro trader Andrew Hall is holding Citi hostage over $100 million pay package (WSJ) Who caused the economic crisis: an email debate between Simon Johnson and Goldman's John Tablott (Salon part 1, part 2 and part 3) Sphere: Related Content.

JPM's Carl Carrie On Algorithmic Trading.

When the former head of product development in the electronic client solutions group at none other than JP Morgan, Carl Carrie, was last quoted on Zero Hedge, he had some very nasty words for High Frequency Trading. Today, in a podcast transcript by algotradingpodcast Carl shares much more light in just why any reform movement against HFT and PT in general will be met by a huge pushback by exchanges, brokers, infrastructure providers, telcos, and all derivative market players:

Clearly, algorithmic trading is a huge factor. High-frequency trading for Arbitrage's, indexes, ADRs, pairs, ETFs, interlisted trading, as well as automation around auto-working, have all been factors contributing to the growth of algorithmic trading and trading on exchanges.

The exchanges themselves have also been contributing factors. They've invested heavily in capacity and throughput. And the allocations of assets to European equities has also been a minor factor.

Carl also touches on another, so far undiscussed issue - the industrial oligopoly and the economies of scale advantages to the select few:

In the electronic trading space, you're seeing the beginnings of a fallout, and you're seeing larger scale players, some of them become clear winners. Not that they can permanently sustain their competitive advantage, but for a period of time, there is an economic advantage in being the preeminent, top scale player, and probably the next two rungs below.

Hey Christine Varney - if you can look away from Google for longer than 10 seconds, maybe you can focus on where the next real fight for monopoly is ocurring, with materially greater consequences than Firefox being bundled in with Windows 7.

Most notably, Carl discusses the emerging risk types with this new technology. Not surprisingly as Joe Saluzzi would attest, and much to the chagrin of program trading "specialist" Irene Aldridge, the key risk is liquidity, and much more so to the downside, i. e., when it disappears.

There are new risk types. I think, it used to be about timing cost and market impact. Those were two twin pillars that most algorithmic trading has been based on.

And I think, if you look at what's happened recently in the credit markets, it hasn't opened our eyes to liquidity risk, but liquidity cost and liquidity risk is perhaps a different animal. It's not just about price volatility. It's about volume volatility. It's about timing of that volume volatility. It may be there today, and when you want to get out of your position, it may not be there tomorrow. And how do you reflect that into your own trading and into, not just your alpha generation, but on the risk side of the alpha generation? Most risk models don't really take into consideration the kinds of anomalies that we may see on a yearly basis.

It's not a Six Sigma event, typically, that happens when we have a liquidity crisis. And a liquidity crisis very easily moves across from one market, as a class, to another. So, you've got this contagion correlation effect that's massive. So, I think, it's important for all of us to develop new science and new tactics to really deal with that. And particularly, as you talk about emerging markets, there's no sphere that is as liquidity-sensitive as emerging markets is.

Curiously, when Carl left JPM his parting letter had this to say: "Yes, I love equities but I think the biggest transformation in the market over the next couple of years will be in the OTC fixed income, credit and commodity markets that are both begging for more liquidity and transparency and are ripe for a major transformation. I want to be there at the genesis of that transformation." We at Zero Hedge completely agree with this statement and will be presenting some of our extended ideas on this matter over the next several weeks.

Saturday, July 25, 2009.

The Flash Trading Org Chart.

Zero Hedge will attempt to categorize all the relevant players in FlashTradingGate. This is the initial focus of Senator Charles Schumer's recent campaign for market equality and transparency. As we will undoubtedly miss critical connections between these and other pertinent industry players, we solicit readers' insight as we develop this org chart: we invite readers to send emails to: flashtrading@zerohedge with any input.

For a sense of services provided by Direct Edge, Here is the Direct Edge fee schedule.

And here is the July 2007 commentary by Goldman Sachs and Citadel when the two firms purchased a 19.9% stake each in Direct Edge.

"Direct Edge has quickly become a major market center for U. S. equities by virtue of its innovative market model and competitive pricing schedule" said Greg Tusar, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs.

"Goldman Sachs is a fantastic addition to the Direct Edge partnership," said Mathew Andresen, Co-Head of Citadel Derivatives Group. "Volumes have grown significantly in recent weeks and we expect that trend to continue as Direct Edge becomes a more important liquidity destination for the marketplace."

For some other, more recent and relevant perspectives by Goldman's Greg Tusar, who has been abnormally vocal about another aspect of HFT, pre-trade monitoring , read here.

HFT And Goldman Sachs Boiling Point: NYT And Max Keiser.

Great recap piece in the New York Times on whether or not Wall Street is picking the pockets of "non-club" investors (read - the guys who do not generate 80% returns with a Sharpe > 5.0 - can someone explain how risk/return works again). The consensus sure looks good for class action lawsuit lawyers.

The piece also recognizes the tremendous contribution that Zero Hedge's readership has had in this ongoing debate, once more highlighting the interactive nature of new media and how crowdsourcing is the new dominant paradigm for Media 2.0.

For anybody new to the site, please check out the Zero Hedge glossary for all the relevant articles on specific topics.

Additionally, should it be odd that Direct Edge, the company in the eye of the Flash hurricane with its ELP program, has the following reported ownership structure:

Sim. Direct Edge is an independent broker-dealer owned by a consortium that includes the International Securities Exchange (“ ISE "), Knight Capital Group, Inc., Citadel Derivatives Group, The Goldman Sachs Group, and J. P. Morgan. Knight Capital Group was originally the sole owner of Direct Edge and the firm was spun off in the third quarter of 2007 when Citadel and Goldman made investments. With a 31.54% stake, the ISE is currently the largest shareholder of Direct Edge, followed by Knight, Citadel, and Goldman, each with 19.9%.

And here are the latest ruminations out of Max Keiser , who takes on a curious angle in his most recent Goldman Sachs attack:

Friday, July 24, 2009.

The New Model?

It seems 1-2's and Marla's post earlier could not have come at a more opportune time. In a presentation by Andrew Gluck of Advisor Products, the author touches on some starkly comparable points (and, usefully, those with acute ADHD may find this presentation a tad more palatable, hehe, just kidding Marla) in the context of the epic paradigm shift occurring in the media world. Zero Hedge explicitly agrees that while the course of new media is still very much uncharted, the inherent conflicts of interest at the nexus of mainstream media and its providers of funding (not to mention bloated leverage and CDS levels in the 20pts upfront even in these artificially tight times), will make the survival of legacy media products increasingly more impossible.

Death to Forex.

The Forex market is dead and dying, in parallel with the US economy; which is fitting, considering the US is still the world reserve currency.

Significant harbingers that have changed the Forex market forever:

Dodd Frank has killed/consolidated retail Forex in the US (significant because the US is the world reserve currency), leaving less than 10 retail Forex brokers in the US, compared to several hundred in jurisdictions such as the UK, Cyprus, Australia, and a growing retail Forex presence in China. New Forex products, such as Binary Options, are being offered exclusively to a non-US customer base. Still, only one major US bank, Ever Bank, offers multi-currency deposits. Forex banks are under investigation for 'manipulating' the Forex market (which is impossible). Still, Forex traders are getting fired or put 'on leave' pending investigation. Meanwhile, Forex volatility is extremely low. China stepping up it's Forex operations internationally, but more important, even Robert Gates is concerned about the growing Chinese Military (even though they can't manufacture jet engines). And as people who understand the realities of global power, the US Dollar is backed by bombs, not by the world's endless love of the United States, and our freedoms. Dwindling support of the Fiat currency system, exemplified by Bitcoin and Bitcoin clones, to attemps by China to hoard Gold, and even Germany making (at least publicly) a typically German attempt to repatriate their Gold. Douche Bank exits Gold price fixing cartel, not directly connected to Forex, however DB is the largest volume bank in Forex trading, and Gold one of the only 'metal currencies' as an alternative to Fiat Forex, or at least the most popular.

For those readers who believe this is all part of a 'conspiracy' to issue in a one world currency, read the following Kissinger transcript post Nixon shock (in part):

These are not very sophistocated guys, according to the transcript (Conspiracy Theorists are encouraged to read the FULL transcript), but it does give credibility to the rumor that Arthur Laffer explained economic policy to Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld in a bar by drawing a half circle on a napkin.

So, how does the Death of Forex have an impact on my portoflio? How is this information valuable to me, and not just for Fortune Cookies?

1. If you are considering participating in Forex, or are already doing so, and you are a US Citizen or live in the US, consider setting up something outside of US, legally.

2. If you are a portfolio manager, hedge yourself from a potential collapse of your domestic currency. There are plenty of high quality articles on Zero Hedge that outline this, just remember that if the US Dollar collapses it may be orchestrated with the ECB, now being run by an American trained MIT alumni, so if the USD goes down it doesn't mean exactly that the EUR will go up.

3. If you are investing internationally, be sure to hedge your Forex position with forwards, options, and avoid huge bank spreads that can be as high as 14% of your total transaction (up to 700 pips per side).

4. Unless you are forced by circumstance, or are extremely intelligent, experienced, and sophistocated, DO NOT INVEST IN FOREX, especially with 3rd party 'managers' that boast consistent usually unrealistic returns.

5. Stay out of cash as much as possible, a big Forex market event can create hyperinflation, or even black market rates as we've seen in Argentina and India, or make the use of currencies in certain venues difficult or prohibited.

A final thought, about the biggest players in the world's largest market by volume. Germany is the economic backbone of the Eurozone and thus the Euro. Euro is currently the only alternative to the US Dollar, and US Bond market. Here's a passage about the banking culture in Germany, with their most important FX banks:

The Commerzbank Tower is 53 stories high and unusually shaped: it looks like a giant throne. The top of the building, the arms of the throne, looks more decorative than useful. The interesting thing, said a friend, who visited often, was a room at the top, peering down over Frankfurt. It was a men’s bathroom. Commerzbank executives had taken him up to the top to show him how, in full view of the world below, he could urinate on Deutsche Bank. And if he sat in the stall with the door open …

Just a thought, considering the current cases against the FX trading banks, maybe it would have been better, in hindsight, to instead invest in some dynamic model for FX. But every organization reaches it's ultimate level of optimization, in the case of this Forex environment, it involves the excretion of one of the few products we can all agree that Germany does well (beer), and is combined with the alleged manipulation (cheating) of FX dealers. It paints a sad and surreal death to the modern Forex market.

Zero Hedge.


Thursday, December 16, 2018.

Please Use Zerohedge.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009.

Monday, July 27, 2009.

Ron Insana On HFT.

Hey Ron, didn't realize your new position as a contributing editor on CNBC came with the contributing title of "Portfolio Manager." Didn't Stevie put a one year kibbosh on that? But I digress. And in all honesty I am surprised that you seem to have the correct spin on things (as per letter below from Jim Cramer's failed media experiment TheStreet ). When you say:

I'd prefer that regulators look into whether a firm like Goldman Sachs (GS) unfairly view [sic] order and information flow ahead of its customers and clients.

we are pleasantly surprised. Yet when you follow up by saying:

But the press won't touch that topic.

we are totally ecstatic that you do not lump us into the definition of that derogatory word. Then again, feel free to do a search for "Goldman Sachs" here. Even an erudite portfolio manager such as yourself may learn a thing or two.

The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal are taking aim at a new form of computerized trading known as "High Frequency" trading. The algorithm-based trading is allegedly an illegal form of front-running, as high-frequency traders hook into exchange computers and use "flash trades" to suss out incoming order flow and use the lightning speed of their own programs to jump ahead of customer orders. Critics argue that individual investors are at a distinct disadvantage for this reason and a variety of others. The proximity of high-frequency computers, which can be placed next to exchange computers for a fee, allows for an almost-osmotic transfer of information. Senator Charles Schumer (D, N. Y.) is asking the SEC to ban "flash trades," which are phony orders placed by high-frequency programs that aim to fool market participants into entering orders. The programs jump in front of customer orders and gain a trading advantage. If that is indeed what is happening, it qualifies as "front-running," an illegal practice on Wall Street. If high-frequency traders are just faster than everyone else and not illegally jumping in front of others or paying off the exchanges to get preferential trading treatment, then this new area of technology-based trading is no less legitimate than the use of the telegraph, the telephone, the ticker, computers, handheld devices or older-style "black box" or "dark pool" programs that give sophisticated traders the ability to simply trade faster. I'd prefer that regulators look into whether a firm like Goldman Sachs (GS) -- whose former executives continue to run the New York Stock Exchange ( NYX ) ; advised on the merger between NYSE and Archipelago, and formerly owned a portion of the combined entity; own Speer , Leeds & Kellogg, the largest specialist firm on the Big Board floor; and control the greatest number of seats in the equity markets -- unfairly view order and information flow ahead of its customers and clients. I am far more concerned about that than I am about the emergence of "high-frequency" trading. But the press won't touch that topic. It's easier to go after the dreaded speculators and dark pool traders than lose access to the most profitable and prestigious firm on Wall Street.

1 To 3 Years Of Securities Recalls Aka Forced Squeeze To Go.

After numerous posts on this blog discussing speculation of assorted forced buy ins, it seems that this phenomenon is quite factual and quite pervasive among the asset management community. As Zero Hedge has noted previously, forced buy-ins are a critical issue as it leaves shorts at the mercy of their securities lenders and repo desks (most of which are TARP recipients and thus beneficiaries of higher stock prices) which generically have the option of recalling lent out shares at a moment's notice, and thus creatingartificial purchasing pressure: i. e. a forced short squeeze. According to Securities Industry News , in a recent survey by Callan Associates, over half of the respondents said they are undergoing a "controlled unwind" with their securities lending desks (aka State Street, BoNY , and Northern Trust).

Firms participating in securities lending programs are trying to reduce their risks and push for greater disclosure of what happens to cash given as collateral, according to a survey released this week by Callan Associates, a San Francisco-based investment consulting firm.

The firm surveyed 72 fund and plan sponsor organizations of which public and corporate funds comprised the majority of survey respondents. About 54 percent of the respondents were mid-sized funds that hold from $1 billion to $9 billion in fund assets. Nineteen percent of the respondents were small funds with less than $1 billion. The remaining respondents were split between “mega” funds with more than $25 billion in assets and large funds with between $10 billion and $24 billion in assets.

Bottom line - in a market where an unknown but significant amount of trading is based on widely permitted and pervasive advanced looks compliments of the exchanges, ECNs and the regulators, and the balance consists of artificial buying from rolling buyins , only the most insane, or foolhardy or both, believe they can trade with any hope of short or long-term success.

NYSE Claims It Does Not Engage In Flash Trading.

From an interview earlier with NYSE's Larry Leibowitz, who is surprisingly vocal against Flash trading. Larry - since the NYSE does not engage in Flash trading, can you please indicate whether or not the SLP program provides advance notice to Goldman Sachs ala Direct Edge's ELP program. Regardless, the escalation in the ECN wars is starting and should be a very interesting one to follow, especially now with a toothless and clueless Mary Shapiro stuck in the middle.

The Goldman VaR Exemption Question Escalates.

It seems only yesterday that Zero Hedge had some questions in regard to Goldman's VaR Fed exemption. No response was received from 85 Broad. Today it appears several Congressmen, lead by Alan Grayson, are willing to drive a sharp stick pretty deep into the hornets' nest, by sending a letter directly to Wall Street Don Ben Bernanke, demanding an explanation exactly to the question of Goldman's VaR Exemption.

Among the reasons provided as casue for potential alarm are the following:

1) In the letter granting a regulatory exemption to Goldman Sachs, you stated that the SEC-approved VaR models it is now using are sufficiently conservative for the transition period to bank holding company. Please justify this statement.

2) If Goldman Sachs were required to adhere to standard Market Risk Rules imposed by the Federal Reserve on ordinary bank holding companies, how would its capital requirements differ from the current regulatory regime?

3) What is the difference in exposure to the taxpayer between these two regulatory regimes?

4) What is the difference in total risk to the portfolio between these two regulatory regimes?

5) Goldman Sachs stated that “As of June 26, 2009, total capital was $254.05 billion, consisting of $62.81 billion in total shareholders’ equity (common shareholders’ equity of $55.86 billion and preferred stock of $6.96 billion) and $191.24 billion in unsecured long-term borrowings.” As a percentage of capital, that’s a lot of long-term unsecured debt. Is any of this coming from the Government? In this last quarter, how much capital has Goldman Sachs received from the Federal Reserve and other government facilities such as FDIC-guaranteed debt, either directly or indirectly?

6) Many risk-management experts, most notably best-selling author Nassim Taleb, note that VaR models can dramatically understate risk. What is your overall view of Taleb’s argument, and of the utility of Value-at-Risk models as regulatory tools?

Zero Hedge had a rather comparable battery of questions, and believes it would be in the general interest of whatever remains of the general investing public, the one that for some reason or another still has not lost all faith in a fair and efficient marketplace, compliments of several major monopolists who have usurped exchanges and ECN as their personal taxpayer and speculator funded piggy banks.

Schumer Letter To Mary Shapiro.

"I write out of concern that the integrity of our capital markets is being compromised by the ability of some insiders to view order information before it is available to the entire market, and use electronic trading strategies to profit from that information at the expense of other investors."

Goldman's Ed Canaday On The Requirements For High Frequency Trading Oversight.

Damage control. Or is Goldman a little worried what Direct Edge may disclose.

“Goldman Sachs believes high-frequency trading should have an accompanying obligation to provide liquidity, and be subject to appropriate regulatory oversight,” Canaday said.

Ed, we have been giving you the chance to provide your side of the story for months. Please take us up on the offer.

Paul Tudor Jones Exposed.

The mythical "TRADER - The Documentary" is finally available on You Tube. Relevant "full frontal" insights on the making of a hedge fund legend, and a paleolithic market dominated by monochrome PCs (what, no Bloomberg?), running to the municipal library for that 10-K, and no Flash orders frontrunning every trade.

Part 1, and related series (2-7) are on You Tube.

The ETF Gloves Are Off.

Bearish bets made impossible, compliments of UBS. Either that, or UBS' recently upgraded (with i7 chips of course) computers just cant handle the basis calculations. Either way, is something very fried with ETFs going on behind the scenes?

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Inverse, Leveraged and Inverse-Leveraged Exchange Traded Funds are no longer available for new or additional purchases at UBS.

Effective July 27, 2009, UBS is suspending the offering of Inverse, Leveraged and Inverse-Leveraged Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). You will no longer be able to make new or additional purchases and will only be able to liquidate current positions through UBS at this time. Any attempt to execute a trade of such ETFs will be rejected.

Please contact your Financial Advisor with questions.

Hopefully iShares and Direxion have some good class action defense lawyers. Sphere: Related Content.

Daily Highlights: 7.27.09.

Administration looking for Chinese help to narrow trade gap and boost US jobs. Advertisers are getting cheaper rates than a year ago on television commercials. Aetna 2Q profit dropped to $346.6M due to greater commercial expenses and cuts full year forecast. Asian markets were higher Monday on hopes for further earnings recovery, Nikkei hits 10,000 mark. China's new small-company stock exchange gets 108 IPO applicants on 1st day as launch nears. China shares up for 4th day on high liquidity-driven sentiment, led by metals and airlines. Euro rises to $1.4263 in European morning trade as investors continue to leave dollar. EU says Iceland's entry talks will likely be simpler, shorter than others. German consumer confidence rises amid lower prices and stable job market. Oil rises above $68 in Asia as economic recovery hopes fuel 3-week rally. US Economy probably shrank at slower pace, signaling recession abated. US stock futures point to higher open ahead of earnings, new home sales update. Aetna Inc. puts its pharmacy-benefit management business on the block. ArcelorMittal exploring a JV spin off of its stainless steel business, est. $3B. Citigroup trader is pressing it to honor a 2009 pay package that could total $100M. Corning's June net income declines from $3.2B to $611M. De Beers qtrly net drops 99%; but sees sales of uncut diamonds improving. Eastman Chem beats by $0.15, posts Q2 EPS of $0.86. Revs fell 31.7% to $1.25B. Ericsson to buy Nortel's North American Wireless unit for $1.13B. Fortune Brands' net falls 27% on continued weakness in home-products segment. Honeywell's June net income declines from $723M to $450M. Julius Baer profit falls 47% to $204.3 million as managed assets slump. MSFT bows to pressure, gives European users of Windows choice of Web browsers. Pearson raises earnings guidance for 2009, shares rise 9 percent to top FTSE. RadioShack 2nd-quarter profit rises to $48.8 million as company trims expenses. Verizon added 1.1M customers in Q2 vs. 1.4M added by AT&T in the same period. Virgin Blue of Australia airline reports losses, launches capital raising of $189M. Volkswagen plans to raise up to $5.7B via rights issue to fund purchase of Porsche.













Frontrunning: July 27.

Tenacious G - Is Goldman Sachs evil? Or really good? (NY Mag) Bernanke feared a second great depression; he may still very well get it ( WSJ ) Europe braced for rising credit card defaults (FT) Loans by U. S. banks shrink as fear lingers ( WSJ ) Credit crunch part deux ( Merk Mutual Funds) Real yields highest since 1994 aid record debt sales ( Bloomberg ) Ryanair plunges on outlook for fares, earnings ( Bloomberg ) Earnings - not what they seem (Investment postcards) Aetna again cuts 2009 outlook, profit slides ( WSJ ) Verizon profit falls 21% ( WSJ ) Same old story from Radioshack - revenue down, earnings up ( MarketWatch ) David Rosenberg on BNN ( BNN ) Weekly economic and financial commentary (Wells Fargo) Deutsche Bank also expected to post profits on credit trading ( Bloomberg ) Sphere: Related Content.

Sunday, July 26, 2009.

The End Of The End Of The Recession.

Zero Hedge, in collaboration with David Rosenberg, Chief Economist & Strategist, Gluskin Sheff + Associates, Inc., is pleased to release the attached analysis "The End Of The End Of The Recession." It is our hope that this piece will provide some badly-needed perspective on "the recession is over" debate, a topic that has become as one-sided as it is wrong-headed. Our purposes is to promote rational, informed discourse on the subject and to this end we enthusiastically solicit reader feedback. Our presentation is licensed "creative commons: attribution" and we hope that our readers will feel free to forward it on or excerpt from it freely, provided attribution is preserved.

Some Weekend Thoughts By John Mauldin.

Some interesting stuff in John Mauldin's latest piece. We'll include some pertinent quotes along with our thoughts.

China is growing by about 8% a year, which is amazing on the surface of it, as their exports are down about 20% (more in some sectors). How can that be? I continually read about how China is going to lead the world out of its global funk. And 8% growth in GDP does seem pretty strong. But we need to look a little deeper.

If I told you that the next US stimulus package would be $4.5 trillion dollars, mostly given to banks that would be forced to loan out the money quickly, do you think that might jump spending and GDP in the short term? Would you start looking for a few bubbles to be created? What about the dollar?

That is the equivalent of what China is now doing. The volume of credit that is flowing into China is equivalent to one-third of their GDP. Banks that already have large problem-loan portfolios are now lending even more, in a very short time frame. China has severe capacity-utilization problems, as trade has sharply fallen; and the US consumer is unlikely to return to anywhere near the level of consumption that was the case in 2006.

The Chinese stock market is up 85% this year, and commodity and real estate prices are rising. And no wonder: the money supply shot up 28.5% in June alone. That money is looking for a home. My friend Vitaliy Katsenelson has written a very perceptive essay for Foreign Policy magazine, talking about the nature of the current growth in China.

"But don't confuse fast growth with sustainable growth. Much of China's growth over the past decade has come from lending to the United States. The country suffers from real overcapacity. And now growth comes from borrowing -- and hundreds of billion-dollar decisions made on the fly don't inspire a lot of confidence. For example, a nearly completed, 13-story building in Shanghai collapsed in June due to the poor quality of its construction.

"This growth will result in a huge pile of bad debt -- as forced lending is bad lending. The list of negative consequences is very long, but the bottom line is simple: There is no miracle in the Chinese miracle growth, and China will pay a price. The only question is when and how much."

This is very much in line with our theme of the recent China bubble. John has done a much better job in attaching specific numbers and analogies to the situation but the fundamental picture aligns with many of our posts going back to April. The larger view has not changed and the question becomes if China can complete this transition before the legs give out. The US can not be expected to provide the bubble year levels of aggregate demand that has created and supported the existing Chinese manufacturing and employment infrastructure.

I am going to quote at some length from Simon Hunt's latest note. He travels very frequently to China and is one of the world's true experts on the copper market. If you want to know something about copper, ask Simon. Copper, we are told, is the metal with a PhD in economics. If copper prices are rising, then the economy is booming. And historically, that has more or less been the case. But there may be reason to believe that PhD may be no more useful this time around than a regular Ivy League degree.

"There is no better example of this speculative activity than what is being seen in the copper market. It is easy for global merchants, hedge funds etc to ship cathode into China and warehouse it outside the reporting system, so fuelling investors' sentiments that copper demand in China is soaring and at the same time draining copper from the rest of the market.

"It is not so much industry which is doing this buying in China, but individuals, financial institutions and even small companies divorced from the copper industry who are buying and holding the metal because copper is a store of value and prices will go up is the common response. We updated our numbers for the first half of this year. They are truly staggering. Over 1 million tonnes of cathode is sitting in China mostly outside the reporting system as a punt on rising prices. " (Emphasis mine)

If it is happening in copper it is likely to be happening in other commodity markets as well. If you are trading the metals, you should be aware that a quick drop could happen if demand falls off due to there being a glut of supply coming back onto the market.

This is another long-term theme that we have been exploring. Again, John does a much better job of providing specifics to back up our original assertions. We don't know who Simon Hunt is but if John asserts that he is a "true expert", we'll take his word for it. This piece we put up covers most of our thoughts on the subject, so we won't rehash but it is an ongoing story with the potential to have some serious impacts across global markets.

This is a very big deal, and from the Chinese point of view, quite smart. Right now they are stuck with $2 trillion in US Treasuries, agency paper, etc. They can't sell their dollars without really hurting the dollar, thereby forcing the renminbi to rise and hurting their own exports. But they, and much of the world, feel that the US is pursuing policies that are going to be harmful to the value of the dollar and therefore to China's largest reserve exposure.

What to do? Take those dollars and buy physical assets. Companies, natural resources, maybe a few small countries. (To my Chinese readers: that's a joke, although some in the West worry about that.)

In the card game called Old Maid we played as kids, the loser was the one who ended up with the "Old Maid" at the end of the game. For the past decade, the Chinese sent us "stuff" and we sent them dollars in the form of electrons. They in turn invested those dollars in our debt so we could buy more stuff. It was a form of vendor financing.

And now the Chinese have apparently decided to pass the Old Maid of the dollar on to other parties, who will sell them their assets for dollars. Seriously, did anyone not think they would do this? Massively selling the dollar, which so many conspiracy-theory types keep saying they will, was never really a rational option. But using those dollars to acquire productive assets? Very smart, very rational. If you figure out what they want to buy and get there first, there are profits to be had. Attention should be paid.

This is an interesting point. Many have picked up on this point previously but most have assumed those asset flows are going to be into commodities. We disagree mostly because of the numbers involved ($2.2T is a hell of a lot of commodities) but John explicitly defines the agenda of overseas acquisition, including commodities, equities and any other real assets China can get its hands on. On a quick tangent, the implications for inflation-protected or - hedged assets are huge. Specific equity sectors are likely to see flows go through the roof - we'll leave it to our readers to discuss in the comments.

Notice in the chart below that unemployment continued to rise until the first quarter of 2003. And that is also when the stock market took off. Those who see green shoots need to think about that. Meanwhile, the market is clearly telling us that it sees nothing but blue skies in the future. I truly marvel at this rally, but I continue to think it is a bear-market rally. The weakest, high-beta names are rallying the most. This rally does not seem to be the basis for a sustained bull market. That being said, Richard Russell has removed the bear from his letter and put in a bull. I may be the last bear standing.

Nothing new here for regular ZH readers but it's almost comical in the simplicity of the argument. People aren't employed. Unemployed people don't spend money. Not spending money means no green shoots. Forget second derivatives, revised seasonally adjusted housing numbers or Dennis Kneale's belief in the power of the smiley face.

This is going to be a long, jobless recovery. Hours worked per week are at an all-time low. As noted above, part-time work is very high. Employers, when things actually start to turn around, and they will, will first give current employees more hours and then expand the hours of part-time workers. There will be few new jobs for a long time.

Because our population is growing, between 130-150,000 new jobs are required each month to keep unemployment from rising. Initial and continuing claims suggest we are currently losing at least 300,000 a month.

(As an aside, the media talks about initial unemployment claims falling. That is actually not true. Unemployment claims are in fact quite high and rising, but the seasonal adjustments make them look smaller. Normally, this would not be a big deal. But the summer seasonal adjustment assumes a normal automobile manufacturing market, with layoffs in July. The layoffs came much earlier this year, distorting seasonal adjustments.)

Higher and persistent unemployment, lower incomes and wages, higher savings rates, capacity utilization at 50-year lows and still falling, rising home foreclosures, a deleveraging financial system, etc. are not the stuff of "V-shaped" recoveries. Throw in that Moody's estimates that US banks will have to write off $400 billion in 2018, and it's a very weak recovery indeed that shapes up for next year.

Not to rehash, but John again does a great job of tacking on numbers to a scenario we have been covering for a while. Investors hoping to recoup their losses from the bubble burst in short order are in for a surprise. Overall, a good reading piece to ruminate on over the weekend.

Guest Post: 30 Year Review Ahead of Short Term Auctions, Q2 adv-GDP and Aug 7 NFP.

Submitted by John Bougearel of Structural Logic.

Weekend Reading.

Must read: Fast-on-the-draw trades need spot of marshalling (FT, h/t Joe) Roubini Op-Ed on Bernanke: The Great Preventer (NYT) Lennar signals fleeting buildling rally as buyers flee (Bloomberg) JP Morgan to raise banker salaries (FT) The man spreading false rumors about Harman and Textron takeovers (that fooled fast-money's Najarian) found dead in suicide (Bloomberg) Chinese steel executive beaten to death, (FT) Alan Abelson: It could be worse (Barron's) Real homes of genius: The California housing collapse deconstructed (Dr Housing Bubble) Rally may cool on earnings reality check (Reuters) California officials worried about new budget woes (BusinessWeek) US probe targets UBS banker visits (Reuters) Phibro trader Andrew Hall is holding Citi hostage over $100 million pay package (WSJ) Who caused the economic crisis: an email debate between Simon Johnson and Goldman's John Tablott (Salon part 1, part 2 and part 3) Sphere: Related Content.

JPM's Carl Carrie On Algorithmic Trading.

When the former head of product development in the electronic client solutions group at none other than JP Morgan, Carl Carrie, was last quoted on Zero Hedge, he had some very nasty words for High Frequency Trading. Today, in a podcast transcript by algotradingpodcast Carl shares much more light in just why any reform movement against HFT and PT in general will be met by a huge pushback by exchanges, brokers, infrastructure providers, telcos, and all derivative market players:

Clearly, algorithmic trading is a huge factor. High-frequency trading for Arbitrage's, indexes, ADRs, pairs, ETFs, interlisted trading, as well as automation around auto-working, have all been factors contributing to the growth of algorithmic trading and trading on exchanges.

The exchanges themselves have also been contributing factors. They've invested heavily in capacity and throughput. And the allocations of assets to European equities has also been a minor factor.

Carl also touches on another, so far undiscussed issue - the industrial oligopoly and the economies of scale advantages to the select few:

In the electronic trading space, you're seeing the beginnings of a fallout, and you're seeing larger scale players, some of them become clear winners. Not that they can permanently sustain their competitive advantage, but for a period of time, there is an economic advantage in being the preeminent, top scale player, and probably the next two rungs below.

Hey Christine Varney - if you can look away from Google for longer than 10 seconds, maybe you can focus on where the next real fight for monopoly is ocurring, with materially greater consequences than Firefox being bundled in with Windows 7.

Most notably, Carl discusses the emerging risk types with this new technology. Not surprisingly as Joe Saluzzi would attest, and much to the chagrin of program trading "specialist" Irene Aldridge, the key risk is liquidity, and much more so to the downside, i. e., when it disappears.

There are new risk types. I think, it used to be about timing cost and market impact. Those were two twin pillars that most algorithmic trading has been based on.

And I think, if you look at what's happened recently in the credit markets, it hasn't opened our eyes to liquidity risk, but liquidity cost and liquidity risk is perhaps a different animal. It's not just about price volatility. It's about volume volatility. It's about timing of that volume volatility. It may be there today, and when you want to get out of your position, it may not be there tomorrow. And how do you reflect that into your own trading and into, not just your alpha generation, but on the risk side of the alpha generation? Most risk models don't really take into consideration the kinds of anomalies that we may see on a yearly basis.

It's not a Six Sigma event, typically, that happens when we have a liquidity crisis. And a liquidity crisis very easily moves across from one market, as a class, to another. So, you've got this contagion correlation effect that's massive. So, I think, it's important for all of us to develop new science and new tactics to really deal with that. And particularly, as you talk about emerging markets, there's no sphere that is as liquidity-sensitive as emerging markets is.

Curiously, when Carl left JPM his parting letter had this to say: "Yes, I love equities but I think the biggest transformation in the market over the next couple of years will be in the OTC fixed income, credit and commodity markets that are both begging for more liquidity and transparency and are ripe for a major transformation. I want to be there at the genesis of that transformation." We at Zero Hedge completely agree with this statement and will be presenting some of our extended ideas on this matter over the next several weeks.

Saturday, July 25, 2009.

The Flash Trading Org Chart.

Zero Hedge will attempt to categorize all the relevant players in FlashTradingGate. This is the initial focus of Senator Charles Schumer's recent campaign for market equality and transparency. As we will undoubtedly miss critical connections between these and other pertinent industry players, we solicit readers' insight as we develop this org chart: we invite readers to send emails to: flashtrading@zerohedge with any input.

For a sense of services provided by Direct Edge, Here is the Direct Edge fee schedule.

And here is the July 2007 commentary by Goldman Sachs and Citadel when the two firms purchased a 19.9% stake each in Direct Edge.

"Direct Edge has quickly become a major market center for U. S. equities by virtue of its innovative market model and competitive pricing schedule" said Greg Tusar, Managing Director, Goldman Sachs.

"Goldman Sachs is a fantastic addition to the Direct Edge partnership," said Mathew Andresen, Co-Head of Citadel Derivatives Group. "Volumes have grown significantly in recent weeks and we expect that trend to continue as Direct Edge becomes a more important liquidity destination for the marketplace."

For some other, more recent and relevant perspectives by Goldman's Greg Tusar, who has been abnormally vocal about another aspect of HFT, pre-trade monitoring , read here.

HFT And Goldman Sachs Boiling Point: NYT And Max Keiser.

Great recap piece in the New York Times on whether or not Wall Street is picking the pockets of "non-club" investors (read - the guys who do not generate 80% returns with a Sharpe > 5.0 - can someone explain how risk/return works again). The consensus sure looks good for class action lawsuit lawyers.

The piece also recognizes the tremendous contribution that Zero Hedge's readership has had in this ongoing debate, once more highlighting the interactive nature of new media and how crowdsourcing is the new dominant paradigm for Media 2.0.

For anybody new to the site, please check out the Zero Hedge glossary for all the relevant articles on specific topics.

Additionally, should it be odd that Direct Edge, the company in the eye of the Flash hurricane with its ELP program, has the following reported ownership structure:

Sim. Direct Edge is an independent broker-dealer owned by a consortium that includes the International Securities Exchange (“ ISE "), Knight Capital Group, Inc., Citadel Derivatives Group, The Goldman Sachs Group, and J. P. Morgan. Knight Capital Group was originally the sole owner of Direct Edge and the firm was spun off in the third quarter of 2007 when Citadel and Goldman made investments. With a 31.54% stake, the ISE is currently the largest shareholder of Direct Edge, followed by Knight, Citadel, and Goldman, each with 19.9%.

And here are the latest ruminations out of Max Keiser , who takes on a curious angle in his most recent Goldman Sachs attack:

Friday, July 24, 2009.

The New Model?

It seems 1-2's and Marla's post earlier could not have come at a more opportune time. In a presentation by Andrew Gluck of Advisor Products, the author touches on some starkly comparable points (and, usefully, those with acute ADHD may find this presentation a tad more palatable, hehe, just kidding Marla) in the context of the epic paradigm shift occurring in the media world. Zero Hedge explicitly agrees that while the course of new media is still very much uncharted, the inherent conflicts of interest at the nexus of mainstream media and its providers of funding (not to mention bloated leverage and CDS levels in the 20pts upfront even in these artificially tight times), will make the survival of legacy media products increasingly more impossible.

Zerohedge. talking-forex Zerohedge breaking news - First for FX News.

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HTTP Header Analysis.

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